Published: September 1, 2023
We are pleased to announce that we have received confirmation from the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) that we have retained our status as a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code.
The UK Stewardship Code serves as a beacon for excellence in stewardship practices, guiding those entrusted with managing investments on behalf of UK savers and pensioners, as well as their supportive institutions. Stewardship, in essence, represents the conscientious allocation, administration, and supervision of capital with a steadfast commitment to creating enduring value for clients and beneficiaries. This dedication, in turn, purposely contributes to sustainable benefits for the broader economy, environment, and society.
Since inception, we have embedded responsible investment in the investment solutions delivered to Partner Funds and have effectively delivered stewardship activity on their behalf over the past five years. There is belief that the integration of responsible investment factors supports long-term risk-adjusted returns; responsible investment represents a core part of the investment process in each asset class and mandate managed on behalf of clients.
Head of Stewardship, Sheila Stefani, said ‘We welcome the FRC’s scrutiny of stewardship activities, as it mirrors the natural evolution of responsible investment in the marketplace. The Code’s ongoing development ensures a comprehensive, 360-degree perspective on activities and responsibilities within the investment chain. At LGPS Central, we adhere to a comprehensive Responsible Investment Integrated Status (RIIS) approach for every fund, from the outset and throughout its lifecycle.’
We remain steadfast in our mission to drive responsible investment, underlining our unwavering commitment to delivering sustainable financial outcomes for Partner Funds and their scheme members, while contributing positively to the broader societal and environmental landscape.