Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Our Climate-Related Disclosures
As an authorised and regulated Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM), LGPS Central Limited (the Company) is required by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to make mandatory disclosures consistent with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Our climate reports are written in alignment with TCFD’s recommendations and the requirements in FCA’s ESG 2.
Readers can find our entity- and product-level climate-related disclosures on this page. Our objective with the reports is to provide our stakeholders with a transparent and detailed understanding of how climate considerations are integrated into our investment decisions. Through transparent and accountable reporting, we aim to build trust and collaboration in addressing the multifaceted challenges and opportunities posed by the climate transition.
Entity-Level Climate Report

LGPS Central’s 2023 Climate Report marks the fourth edition of our TCFD-aligned report. The report sets out our approach to climate risks and opportunities in managing investments on behalf of our Partner Funds.
Product-Level Climate Reports
The product-level reports are designed to provide readers with an overview of the climate metrics associated with each of the sub-funds within LGPS Central Limited’s Authorised Contractual Scheme. The product-level reports complement our entity-level TCFD Report, which presents a deeper dive into the company’s approach to the management of climate-related risks and opportunities.
Product-level considerations related to Governance, Strategy, and Risk Management follow the same framework that are set out in the entity-level Report. Therefore, the reports will focus entirely on the Metrics & Targets disclosures for each sub-fund.
Product-Level Climate Disclosures
- LGPS Central Global Equity Active Multi Manager Fund
- LGPS Central Emerging Markets Equity Active Multi Manager Fund
- LGPS Central Global Sustainable Equity Active Broad Fund
- LGPS Central Global Sustainable Equity Active Targeted Fund
- LGPS Central Global Sustainable Equity Active Thematic Fund
- LGPS Central All World Equity Climate Multi Factor Fund
- LGPS Central Global Ex UK Passive Equity Fund
- LGPS Central UK Equity Passive Fund
- LGPS Central Global Low Carbon Multi Factor Equity Index Fund
- LGPS Central Global Active Investment Grade Corporate Bond Multi Manager Fund
- LGPS Central Global Active Emerging Market Bond Multi Manager Fund
- LGPS Central Global Active Multi-Asset Credit Multi Manager Fund
Net Zero Strategy for Financed Emissions

Launched in 2023, our Net Zero Strategy for Financed Emissions sets out the strategy to meet our commitment made in early 2022 to achieve net zero scope 1 & 2 carbon equivalent (CO2e) financed emissions by 2050 or sooner for listed equities, corporate bonds, sovereign debt, and property.
Here you can find a glossary of responsible investment terms and phrases .